Editorial: Work without play makes…

There is a saying; ‘work without play makes Jack dull’. However, this does not mean that children are supposed to play all the time. They should be able to apportion time for every activity.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

There is a saying; ‘work without play makes Jack dull’.
However, this does not mean that children are supposed to play all the time. They should be able to apportion time for every activity.

Whenever you play, you refresh your mind; you get physically fit depending on the type of game and above all, you get to understand your close friends.

Children should also do other games apart from those that require a lot of physical movements. Such games include in-door games.

These games not only engage children for long, but also challenge them intellectually. Parents should invest in in-door games.

Indoor games include playing chess, scrabble as well as video games. These games are very involving and interesting.

Parents should once in a while play with their children. They should have time to guide their children in some of these games.

Technological advancement has come along with various games some of which are not good for children. It is for this reason that parents monitor what kind of games their children play and enjoy. 
