Pick the best out of an old man’s wisdom

In the early African civilization, there was a special title for the elderly groups in leadership. They were regarded as super-wise because the society built on their wisdom for survival. The words of the elderly speak were inspiration to the future generations.

Friday, March 04, 2011
Mahatma Ghandi remained wise in his old age.

In the early African civilization, there was a special title for the elderly groups in leadership. They were regarded as super-wise because the society built on their wisdom for survival.

The words of the elderly speak were inspiration to the future generations. Some old people remain physically and mentally agile despite becoming wrinkled. 

John Bates at 85 years, won the Guinness World Record for oldest player of the game ‘wii’? He still plays over 20 perfect games a day, like any other teenager.
This old man’s body fitness suggests why his brains are still reliable.

Even though the elderly have walked the walk of life and have more experience than any youth, their wisdom should not always be taken blindly.

20th century scientist and writer, Linus Pauling is quoted, "When an old and distinguished person speaks to you, listen to him carefully with respect, but do not believe him. Never put your trust into anything but your own intellect.”

The wisdom of the elderly does not come with age, but starts from childhood. Unwise kids tend to become losers in their old age.

There have been news stories of fathers-in-law attacking their sons’ wives or granddaughters. Cases of matures fighting their orphaned grandsons for the deceased’s property do not seem to stop in the courts of law.                                                                                                                      
One example is about an old lady in my neighbourhood who stole eggs from a shop.  She silently entered the shop when she noticed that the shopkeeper was outside.

Unfortunately, she was watched and silently stopped while picking the third egg which she decided to pay for. A bad shopkeeper would have embarrassed the granny—this one let it pass.

Youth ought to only heed good advice, wise beliefs and drop the rest. We cannot neglect the fact that there is the social belief that the older one gets, the younger their minds become. Old folks sometimes lose their memory with time.

Nonetheless, they deserve attention and respect because they have seen it all. Learn from them.
