Finances : The Thought Process

Have you ever wondered why people who do hard labor as their daily preoccupation earn the least while the ‘thinking jobs’ are at the top of the earning pyramid? You would think that humans to sweat their way through their days literally would be at the top of the money bags, but not at all. Money from times ago has learnt the power of thought.

Saturday, February 19, 2011
You might need to borrow Bill Gate's habbits and attitudes

Have you ever wondered why people who do hard labor as their daily preoccupation earn the least while the ‘thinking jobs’ are at the top of the earning pyramid? You would think that humans to sweat their way through their days literally would be at the top of the money bags, but not at all. Money from times ago has learnt the power of thought.

An idea begins as a thought and ends up as an innovation or action. The thinker is at the beginning of the chasing all the way up to the end of the chain albeit in a supervisory and coaching role while the laborer simply executes the real action most of the time not even interested in the outcome of their action, but simply to finish.

The thought process is not for the well educated alone or those who ‘have the time.’ Thoughts are those for the simple determined people who want to make a difference in their lives. And so are one’s finances. In the pursuit of financial freedom, the thought process is crucial as one tries to define and determine what kind of future they would like and how you can execute your journey successfully.

Some people think that if they do exactly as Bill Gates did they will achieve wealth. But that is a very expensive and unsuitable way of seeking financial freedom. Instead of copying the paths and actions, copy the habits and attitudes. Habits and attitudes cannot be adopted overnight. They can only result from conscious decisions by an individual at the tail end.

In your pursuit, not only of financial discipline but the struggle to bring a brilliant idea to fruition, the thought process is very important in setting targets and preparing the action plan to your destination. But remember that a good thought process can only be good if it ends in action. Action is the only proven way of validating a good thought process.

So as you chart your way to financial freedom, give due respect to the thoughts that should be in tandem with your goal until they subconsciously become habits and attitudes hence desired action.