Passion and intimacy can’t be ignored

The wonderful feeling of finding kitchen utensils sparkling clean without your touch is unexplainable. The knowledge that a man can get out of his way and wash dishes signifies that he is simply pouring out his passion, to make you feel that he can do anything for you.

Thursday, January 27, 2011
Sometimes acts of kindness matter in any relationship.

The wonderful feeling of finding kitchen utensils sparkling clean without your touch is unexplainable. The knowledge that a man can get out of his way and wash dishes signifies that he is simply pouring out his passion, to make you feel that he can do anything for you.

Showing acts of passion and intimacy are some of the values that will keep the fire in any relationship burning or probably renew your relationship to its original glory.

Couples should daily appreciate the power of fondness. Intimacy should not only be reserved for the bedroom, holidays, honeymoons or vacations but should be extended to the daily life of any couple.

Do not ignore the physical connections such as; a hug, kiss, words of affirmation and encouragement or even holding hands that bind relationships. These do not of course necessarily lead to sexual intercourse, but can keep the strings of any relationship stronger.

For instance, holding hands with your spouse in public does not cost a franc; it’s free of charge and will make any woman or man respectively feel like a queen and king!

Couples should learn to be passionate and intimate by committing to do just a little bit of those small things that revive rather boring relationships. Be creative, adventurous and loving and see if these will not blow your minds while you last in a relationship.