When he speaks in parables

“Sometimes I wonder if men and women really suit each other. Perhaps they should live next door and just visit now and then.”- Author Katherine Hepburn. It wouldn’t be weird if any ordinary lady shared the same thinking as Hepburn. As a matter of fact, men and women are two totally different genders with different traits and characters.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

"Sometimes I wonder if men and women really suit each other. Perhaps they should live next door and just visit now and then.”- Author Katherine Hepburn.
It wouldn’t be weird if any ordinary lady shared the same thinking as Hepburn. As a matter of fact, men and women are two totally different genders with different traits and characters.

One of the mysteries about men is being enigmatic about their feelings. If the world were a mysterious place, men would definitely ride sidesaddle. Men would rather stay silent about how they feel or even recline, when it comes to feelings.

While guys remain intuitive and extra cautious about revealing their feelings, women are losing potential matches. Since love starts at point A, which is having mutual feelings for each other, some meant-to-be couples miss out on their perfect partners because the men never came up straight to mention how they feel about them.

Meanwhile, exceptional men who confess their feelings are often regarded as weird and a disappointment to manhood. Sadness, depression, fear, guilt, enthusiasm, excitement are as good as secrets to the men. Indeed getting him to admit his emotions is like asking for a miracle.

Why men never tell

From childhood, most men are naturally taught to be distant. While girls will need a shoulder to cry on at every slightest disappointment, boys will need sometime alone to recover. It’s common for daughters to cry while sons will pretend they are fine, as much as they are dying inside.

In matters related to love, dudes take their time to express their feelings because of the fear for rejection. Most men will only express their feelings when they know the response will be positive, if not they will talk in parables, just to get an idea about what you think.

"Some guys won’t stop telling about this mysterious hot princess that they like, and then you will definitely feel worthless and leave them alone,” said Rehema Giraneza.
Like many girls Giraneza’s boyfriend admitted to that he loved her after a series of grueling stories of fancy girls he liked.

How to get him reveal his feelings

Do you like him that much? Get him to admit. This means he has to be comfortable talking to you without having to pretend about anything. This can happen only when he really knows you well enough. That could take a while, but usually genuine love on the part of the girl ensures that he starts trusting her.

A man can smell pretence in a relationship just as well as a woman—they are just as intuitive about these things though it usually works at a subconscious level for guys and it is more direct in girls.

Subconsciously men would not reveal their feelings if they do not completely trust you. If your love is genuine, then he would not think twice about revealing his feelings.
Just make sure you never panic at what he says, otherwise he might end up regretting his confession. However, if it doesn’t work for you, learn to count your losses and move on.
