FINANCES : Between the Lines

Every comedian must have a punch line. Likewise every salesman, has a well practiced pitch and in there, is the killer blow that is known to seal the deal most of the time. Every good business person must above anything else know how to sell a product however bad a product is. In fact it is easier for a good salesman to sell a bad product than for a poor salesman to move an excellent product.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Every comedian must have a punch line. Likewise every salesman, has a well practiced pitch and in there, is the killer blow that is known to seal the deal most of the time. Every good business person must above anything else know how to sell a product however bad a product is. In fact it is easier for a good salesman to sell a bad product than for a poor salesman to move an excellent product.

So when you see that very alluring advert that wants to make you think that if you buy the product your class becomes higher or your life easier, as a responsible spender, learn to read between the lines.

Whether reading something or listening to somebody talk, learn to ask yourself, if they have an agenda to accomplish. Adverts tend to be very manipulative and misguiding especially in the face of cut throat competition, when products must create a clear edge above other almost similar products.

Salespeople definitely have an agenda in that they want to sell you something. Take everything into context before trying to read between the lines. Taking all of the words together as a whole is more beneficial than concentrating on a few keywords.

An advert could choose to use an attractive, independent and successful female celebrity to appeal to women who want her level of independence, success and beauty. They target women who look up to that person and hence by endorsing the product, the advert seeks to convince every woman that they can be like their idol, which is not always true, but as long as the product sells, the salesman sees no harm. In sports, men are also easily sold to by using the celebrity sportsman. All the men see a little bit of themselves in these people.

When making a spending decision based on an advert, find more information about the product. Take time to see what the competition offers and compare with what you have seen heard or expereinced. Avoid using emotion while making spending decisions just as sudden impulses to buy.

One of holes in many people’s budgets, especially those who consider themselves upward and forward moving, educated and with the ability to spend from a regular source of income like a salary, is the tendency to respond to adverts, just to fit in the picture that their new jobs or social class is assumed to give.
Be wary of adverts especially when you are trying to put a cap on your expenditure.
