Help us cross roads safely

Every morning as we are going to school, we find many cars that sometimes hinder us from reaching school in time.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Every morning as we are going to school, we find many cars that sometimes hinder us from reaching school in time.

Some children go to school on foot, others on motorcycles, special hire taxis, while the lucky ones dropped by their parents every morning.

Due to unguided movements especially in the morning, accidents do happen. Children who walk to school are more prone to accidents.

The dear ones who use motorcycles usually risk terrible accidents, some motorists are very reckless. Toddlers need to be helped to cross roads; Kigali City Council should draw more zebra crossings on busy roads.

We also need to be picked from school early enough, this protects us from child kidnapers. Children who are picked late get bored and sometimes are forced to walk by themselves home; such children risk a lot.

Dear parents, guardians, maids, drivers consider our lives. We need your help every day as we move to and from school.
