What are your personal New Year resolutions?

A new year has just dawned, and this is the time to sweep the past away and start afresh, a time to forgive those who offended or wronged us, a time to break those stubborn (read bad) habits, a time to set new goals and commit ourselves to achieve them.

Thursday, January 06, 2011

A new year has just dawned, and this is the time to sweep the past away and start afresh, a time to forgive those who offended or wronged us, a time to break those stubborn (read bad) habits, a time to set new goals and commit ourselves to achieve them.

I am not out to lecture you on what you should jot down as your new-year resolutions but only offering a suggestion on what you can add on your list of resolutions. And these can be.

You can choose a regular visit to the gym as your new year resolution to lose those extra pounds of weight (for those who are overweight), replacing junk foods with fiber foods will keep you healthy and fit throughout the year.

Growing spiritually by establishing a personal relationship with your God. This can be done for example, through attending bible study lessons  and  church fellowships .All these help you get closer to God and understand him better.

You can choose to learn something new as a new year’s resolution for example, going for guitar or piano lessons, learning a foreign language, typing etc.

Searching for a job or starting a business to improve your present economic condition, and becoming more diligent about book keeping to avoid drowning in debt .

Improve your education; go for that diploma or degree to keep you afloat in today’s competitive employment world.
Breaking that bad habit that has been dogging you over the years. It could be smoking, drinking alcohol, drug addiction, or any other bad addiction.

Developing socially for example through making new friends, visiting old ones and you can resolve to treat your spouse with more respect (if married) and  sparing more time for your family.

Happy New Year!
