Good mornings = Good days

Everything is possible if you prepare yourself for the day ahead! Follow these golden rules and you’ll be set up for the day, every day!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Everything is possible if you prepare yourself for the day ahead! Follow these golden rules and you’ll be set up for the day, every day!

We don’t want to sound like your mum, but breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You don’t have to eat loads, but eating something – a piece of toast with honey, a bowl of muesli and a banana, or even just yoghurt and fruit – will give you the energy boost you need.

Get together all the things you need for the day, the night before
Good mornings mean not having to think too hard about what you need for that day, so you can have maximum waking up time. You can’t do this if you’re rushing around trying to find things and panicking about being late. The answer is to pack your school bag before you go to bed.

Give yourself 10 minutes quiet time
It’s a good idea to set aside a few minutes in the morning to think about the day ahead or forget about the day ahead and read a book or magazine. Relax before the madness begins!

A good sleep
 Sleeping is your brain and your body’s way of processing all the things that have happened to it the day before. Getting a good sleep means you’ll think more clearly, your skin will glow and you’ll have more energy. When you’re a teenager your body is growing and changing all the time and sleeping is when a lot of those changes take place.

Look in the mirror and give yourself a big smile
It sounds cheesy, but giving yourself a big smile before you leave the house in the morning or when you wake up can make all the difference to the way you feel. It will help you think positively about yourself and the day ahead, and you’ll be ready to face anything, even double English!
