Families can manage Christmas pressure

Christmas is the most celebrated season that requires spending on gifts for family and friends, family outings and sometimes for the extended family unions, hiring a catering service. During the festive season people spend quality time with friends and family however, there are times when the pressure to make everyone happy and merry gets stressful.

Thursday, December 23, 2010
Exchange gifts at home.

Christmas is the most celebrated season that requires spending on gifts for family and friends, family outings and sometimes for the extended family unions, hiring a catering service.

During the festive season people spend quality time with friends and family however, there are times when the pressure to make everyone happy and merry gets stressful.
Spending a fortune to have a great Christmas is not wise. It is important to think about the New Year ahead and budget adequately for the future.

Instead of buying gifts worth millions of francs, buy one or two gifts for family members and a gift for close friends. You do not need to be extravagant; buy simple gifts that will be treasured and appreciated, rather than trying to impress. Don’t feel strained to buy a gift for every member of your extended family.

Build the celebrations around whatever is important and enjoyable for you and the people around rather than copying what other families will do.

Set up a budget for the season and stick to it. This could sound so unbelievably obvious, yet most people fail to abide by the budget they organized because they are busy fixing last minute plans.

When you head out for Christmas shopping, the amount of money you comfortably spend without racking, up is the limit. Control your impulsive shopping habit, ‘Half a loaf is better than none at all,’ do away with luxurious and extravagant things and rather than straining to attain it.

A family surprise is better than a present for each and every individual. It is a great way to include everybody without draining your bank account.

For example; set up a Secret Santa Claus and when the family is gathered in the living room invite him in to sing Christmas melodies (as funny as they may be), crack jokes in his, ‘ho ho ho!’ trade mark. This could be the best Christmas present an extended family with several kids can ever have.

Create different activities during the celebration as a way of curbing the pressure that comes with the festive season.

Baking Christmas treats such as cookies and cakes is a wonderful ritual that can be shared with children and other family members since it brings so much pleasure. It is a wonderful tradition to share if planned well in advance.

The whole family should get involved in the preparation and cooking process. Help one another and while cooking, crack jokes or share different experiences that occurred during the year.  This way, everyone is able to freely express their sorrows and joys which makes the festive season hearty and worthwhile.

Avoid having unnecessary disagreements for instance; arguing about who will wash the dishes after dinner. The more you brighten up the day, it becomes memorable.
