Diaspoman: Diaspoman tries to emulate young professionals

Now that Diaspoman has started to save a few francs, he is able to live a life that is not very far off from a standard Kigali young professional.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Now that Diaspoman has started to save a few francs, he is able to live a life that is not very far off from a standard Kigali young professional.

That is why I have started to visit the massage parlor to have my aching and alcohol abused body get a soft touch. I first tried visiting the aerobics class but I was soon kicked out due to the stiff competition.

Yes, you should see how people rush to compete for nice positions where they can have the full view of the aerobic participants as they try to touch their toes.

So, whenever I tried booking for a suitable place at the very back in a bid to have full optical nutrition, my competitors always bumped me aside. 

Now that is why I have decided to spend some few hours receiving a nice body massage. I was surprised to see this attendant using round stones to rub against my body. When I enquired from her, she told me that the stones were dubbed "Hot Stones” and they are internationally recognized.

Indeed, when I asked Aggrey about these hot stones, he confirmed to me that these were the items used at the best hotels in the world. Wow! 

Aggrey then told me that I have to start acting like a real young professional. "Man, it’s time you forget about the past and start to live as a young professional”.

Aggrey then reminded me about our first visit for a massage way back during the mid 90s. During those days, hot stones were unheard of. Instead, the ladies who treated us at the massage table used their bare hands and if they did not break your ribs, you would count yourself very lucky indeed.  

So one day during the mid 90s, Aggrey and I strolled down in Kiyovu to visit the health club. Once we were at the health center, Aggrey and I began to walk around with our chests protruding outwards with an air of arrogance.

We paid what seemed to be a hefty sum and all moved into the cubicles for a good massage. This was heaven indeed! Imagine after this, we would walk down for a number of cold ones. Life could never be better, could it?  

Not quite though. Aggrey and I were in for some unpleasant surprises. You see, as I mentioned to you before, it was the very first time for us to be treated to a massage.

That is why we acted like real jerks when the health club personnel began to rub their palms on our naked bodies.

Instead of falling asleep like our dear neighbors in the next cubicles, Aggrey and I started to laugh and giggle out loudly as the fingers tickled us!

We laughed so much that it became unbearable. And so like lightening in a storm, we sprinted out wrapped in towels. We never looked back until we reached our doorstep. What a mess!

It was so obvious that the village had completely refused to come out from us. 

 But today, we are trying to live a life of young professionals and that means that we have to get accustomed to tickling fingers and hot stones
