Behind every successful man ...

As the adage goes “behind every successful man, there is a strong woman,” so is the prosperity of a man who has the support of a strong virtuous woman.

Friday, December 10, 2010
Baracka Obama and Michelle Obama

As the adage goes "behind every successful man, there is a strong woman,” so is the prosperity of a man who has the support of a strong virtuous woman.

The success of a man depends a lot on the women in his life—it could be a wife, mother, sister, aunt, girlfriend, grandmother or even a special teacher or neighbour who has either played a positive or negative role in their lives.

This in no way means that women should right away be given all credit for the success of a man, however, emphasis should be placed on the fact that women play a vital role in making it easier for men to walk up the rungs of the success ladder.

By successful men, we speak not of only CEOs of multimillion organizations, or those gentlemen who are minting money, or sitting at high positions. I mean any average gentleman who is working hard, earning his living, providing well for his family, doing justice to his work, and most importantly who is content with what he is doing.

Hence, I believe that if you are a man and if you are a successful one, then there is definitely a woman right behind you! A wife is usually the most important woman of any man’s life.

So, if this woman makes a man happy and peaceful, he can reach the pinnacle of success in no time. Also this woman can accelerate the speed with which a man reaches success. Another fact is that this same very woman can destroy a man, so she can also be that vicious double edged sword.

I am compelled to mention the example of Barack Obama (President of the USA), who has the back-up of his wife, Michelle Obama—his "rock.” Barak has openly said she "had the power of veto,” meaning that if she had told him not to run for presidency, he wouldn’t have. Michelle brought revelation to people worldwide that time, love, sacrifice and hard struggles make you stronger and that is what has made this pair "constantly balancing each other.”

As one of the most visible couples on the planet, Michelle and Barack Obama’s lives are about as public as you can get. Barack, a former Senator and currently President-elect and Michelle, a lawyer and mother of two, have made it a priority to have a happy and healthy relationship. Their 16-year marriage has stood strong by dealing with issues that couples both in and out of the spotlight may encounter in their own lives.

Men apparently are a symbol of strength. They may appear to stand up strong in times of stress and trial, but after all they are human beings and need emotional support. This is where a strong willed, supportive wife may contribute, by being at his side, assuring him that he is not alone.

Words may not be necessary, but positive energy released by positive attitude may suffice.

There are quite a few things that can be done to be ‘The Woman’ behind the successful man. As I mentioned earlier, success or contentment is a result of mental peace which helps to focus on goals and targets in a better way.

For this, the most important thing is the home environment. It is totally in the hands of a woman to keep the environment at home peaceful and serene.

One of the most important things in a relationship is to have respect for each other because a respectful marriage is a marriage with integrity. The two of you are in a partnership together and each person needs to be able to weigh in on decisions that will affect the entire family. Be there for one another, back each other up and listen to what your partner has to say.

In order to provide that strength and support, women first need to be strong themselves. They then need to learn to be tolerant and patient, and take charge of the home situation to release that positive energy that is so essential to tackle tough situations.

The idea is to keep husbands’ minds off from the unimportant domestic issues that can be handled by women alone. It does not mean that they should stay aloof from the problems that exist at home.

Their involvement should definitely be there since a home is created by both the husband and wife working together. However, sharing responsibilities by taking charge of the home and letting your husband stay focused on his work will definitely lead to prosperity and growth.

All in all, a strong woman has a major role to play towards the success of a man, a good home environment, and consequently a happy society.