Overcome fitness phobia TODAY!

•Find a friend who is equally interested in the idea of keeping fit. •Talk to your partner and you will be surprised at how supportive they can be. •Be focused! Being fit is as important as eating food! Everyone needs it. Your body needs it!

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

•Find a friend who is equally interested in the idea of keeping fit.

•Talk to your partner and you will be surprised at how supportive they can be.

•Be focused! Being fit is as important as eating food! Everyone needs it. Your body needs it!

•If you can’t make it to a gym, or can’t use the road to jog, then hire a fitness instructor! Quite expensive, but it’s your body we are discussing here!

•Form groups. I have a group of friends who meet every evening after work and do aerobics in one of the ladies’ houses! I just love the way they encourage each other. It’s very inspiring!

•Join a fitness centre close to your home or work place, then you won’t have any major issues with distance, traffic jam, and the other reasons we often come up with last minute.

•Purchase aerobic videos, and please don’t keep them—use them till they greak down!

•Finally, pray, pray, and pray hard, that you may receive grace from God to keep your body fit. It is a discipline that is daily nurtured. Failure to take proper care of your body is a punishable sin! Yes I believe it is!
