Society Debate:Was the Pope’s remark on condom use wise?

Merit to the PopeNever underestimate the power of denial. Living in denial of reality is one thing that has cost humans, happiness, love and most of all life. Now with, 33 million people living with HIV/AIDS world wide, why are many still denying the fact and instead blaming the pope for endorsing the use of condoms?

Friday, December 03, 2010

Merit to the Pope
Never underestimate the power of denial. Living in denial of reality is one thing that has cost humans, happiness, love and most of all life. Now with, 33 million people living with HIV/AIDS world wide, why are many still denying the fact and instead blaming the pope for endorsing the use of condoms?

Is it not clear that the results of having unprotected sex are more of sins than using the condom? And if everyone is so holy, then why has premarital sex been an issue for decades? Before pretending to be an innocent Joseph at Potifa’s house, there are some realities to drain in our heads. Let me break it down for you;

A—Aids is real and it kills, with or without recognizing it, B—as opinion leaders take their sweet time in taking decisions concerning HIV/AIDS, the virus only grows stronger and kills more, C—HIV needs practical fighters, not denial freaks.

Probably Pope Benedict XVI put the above in consideration and took the ‘Decision of the Century’ to permit the use of condoms as a way of protection against HIV/AIDS. Here is why other religious leaders should follow suit in permitting condom use:

"Using condoms is a lesser evil than transmitting HIV to a sexual partner,” quotes a Vatican report.
Indeed condom use is a lesser evil than all the sins that come with sex; incest, rape, masturbation and homosexuality are sins that will never compare to condom use. Otherwise condoms would number on the list of sins that caused Sodom and Gomorrah’s destruction.

Condoms should be regarded as small life saviours. Imagine a world of 33 million infected people.

So many entities are preaching abstinence from sex; do they have an idea what the 21st century has exposed this generation to? With the uncalled forinternet, telephones, television shows…children are aware of their sexuality as early as ten years old. On the contrary, our ancestors use to move around half naked, in animal skins but intercourse was so rare until they got married.

So, should sex be treated like in the ancient centuries, or should tangible decisions like condoms persistent?
Yes, abstinence is good for those who can, but there has to be a Plan B be for those who cannot control their sexual desires.

In Africa where AIDS is common, a decision like the Pope’s was inevitable. Recently, in a report, U.N. AIDS officials announced that, "the number of new HIV cases has fallen significantly in Africa, thanks to condom use.”
See, condoms are too effective to be ignored.

And when the bible says, "Go procreate, fill the world and subdue it,” definitely; one’s world is their piece of land. What is the point of leaving no inheritance for your children? This where condoms come in as a superb birth control method.