N&I JOURNALS: Nothing but the truth!

At some point in life, boys have all been turned down by a girl. At least I have and not because my game is poor; but because I have only hit on the best!

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

At some point in life, boys have all been turned down by a girl. At least I have and not because my game is poor; but because I have only hit on the best!

I have discovered that these girls will not directly tell you "NO”. They will find all sorts of answers to your proposal in the name of not wanting to hurt your feelings.

I have done some research and gathered some of these lines that they use.
They love calling it "how to drop the ice easily.” Even men with PhDs in dating, are "diplomatically” said no to!

‘I really do not want to destroy the friendship we have already have.’ This is a very tricky one because most of you will try to convince her! My man, just move one. She is not interested.
‘It’s not right.’ I bet most of you have heard girls use this line. Everything you try to do with her, she will just tell you this line.

‘Ha ha ha!’ (Laughing). Some girls love this. This is a move to make you feel insignificant and then you give up your plan.

‘I do not trust guys.’ This is a funny one because if she found you different; she would not say this. So she will use her past troubles to judge you.

‘I take you as a brother!’ This is one of those lines that girls love using here in Rwanda. She will call you "bro” and try to show that is the best place you deserve.

‘My religion does not permit it.’ Some girls will turn you down using religion as an escape. However this line is not so common here in Rwanda according to my research.

‘I signed a commitment to stay single until am married!’ One just wonders if the girls who use this line will just wake up in the morning and get married without dating first!

‘I just had my heart broken and I just can’t go through this again.’ Ladies, well as you believe that men are the same, this is not true.

‘I do not know you enough. Be patient.’ This patience might go as long as we are still waiting for Rwanda to bid the FIFA World Cup. You will sit on the "katebe” beach as other players are playing because the coach (the girl you are trying to vibe) does not feel you!

‘I am not good enough for you.’ This implies that you deserve someone better than her! Sorry my friend! Open your eyes! All she is trying to say is that you are not worth it! Just move on!

Oh, not forgetting the latest award winning invention – "I’m androphobic”. This is commonly used by these A- Class girls. Such people are from the likes of Riviera, KICS, Greenhills, LDK and Kagarama. The list is endless!
