Ideal interiors : Keep your kitchen tidy by using plastic ware for storage

A friend of mine and her family had to come to my house and take a bath one morning because she did not have even a drop of water in her house, she trusted her taps so much because she had never experienced water shortage even once when she came to live here. 

Friday, November 19, 2010
L-R : TV time ; Computer games preferred

A friend of mine and her family had to come to my house and take a bath one morning because she did not have even a drop of water in her house, she trusted her taps so much because she had never experienced water shortage even once when she came to live here. 

This happened because she did not have even a single plastic container to store water just in case the taps ran dry one day, and dry they did ran.  She had been laughing at me; about the many water containers I have in store at my home- little did she know that these same items would one day save her from a dry day.

This age we are living in is often referred to as the Plastic Age, and with good reason. Plastic has become one of the raw materials that are used most widely today. Take plastic containers, for instance, from hazardous waste to food, they are used to package, store, and hold just about anything.

Tough enough to be stacked and mouldable enough to be made into space saving shapes, plastic containers can be used to maximize storage room. The wide range of plastic containers can be matched by the equally wide range of their storage uses.

For every storage requirement they are used for, plastic storage containers have their own quality, type, colour, size, and shape of plastic and the use. Plastic containers are useful for commercial products, industrial uses, as well as for maximizing storage options in homes.

I find plastic storage boxes very convenient for storing a wide range of things. For instance, all sizes of plastic food storage boxes come in very handy in the kitchen. Some can be used to store condiments, sugar, and flour, while others can be used to keep pastas and cereals.

Plastic storage containers are also great for keeping cutlery, napkins, and other paraphernalia that i don’t want cluttering up the kitchen. And, of course, one of the best ways to keep foods fresh is to refrigerate them in plastic storage boxes.

Plastic storage containers are also very handy in the bathroom in order to keep washed clothes and towels neatly in the linen closet. For instance, most kids have the habit of ploughing through towels and clothes and shoving them all back haphazardly.

One way to counter this is to get plastic storage bins where washed clothes, hand towels and towels can be put, so that kids can pull out each bin to find the things they are looking for. In the bedrooms, each member of the family can have his or her own plastic storage box that can be slid under the bed, which can be used for storing the dirty clothes. This helps to free up space in closets and dresser drawers.

There are also plastic water storage containers that come in very handy for storing water in emergency situations whenever there is shortage of water.  These come in handy because a home cannot run without water even for ten minutes. It is therefore very important that homes keep these plastic containers just in case.

Given below are a few more ideas about using plastic storage containers for various purposes:

Plastic storage boxes for paper: These are plastic bankers boxes that are very handy for storing files and paper. They are stackable, collapsible, and come with handles so that they can be manoeuvred easily.

Plastic storage bins for outdoors: While clear plastic storage containers that are stackable are ideal for indoor usage, but coloured and heavier plastic storage bins are the best for garage and outdoor storage.

Open plastic storage bins for children: These brightly coloured storage bins are available in units that are about 30 inches in height and are removable, hence toys kept in them are within easy reach and are visible for children.

Lidded plastic containers for toys: These containers are stackable and come with hinged lids and handles, which makes them convenient for carrying about.

Stackable plastic boxes: These come in various sizes and are ideal for storing in closets, or under the bathroom sink, or in offices. The small plastic boxes are great for keeping items like clips, pins and so on.

As far as versatility, durability, and maintenance is concerned, there is nothing to beat plastic storage containers which are easily available at the markets and all the leading supermarkets alike.
