NATASHA’S CHRONICLES: The holiday package!

“Finally!!!!” that’s practically all I could think of as I saw myself shove the last bag into the car. And of course I wasn’t the only one considering  the fact that third term is usually the shortest yet longest school terms at the same time… everyone  looks forward to the long holiday yet the term seems like it’s not even about to end!  Believe me, for a while I actually thought “what if the days have started reversing!”

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

"Finally!!!!” that’s practically all I could think of as I saw myself shove the last bag into the car. And of course I wasn’t the only one considering  the fact that third term is usually the shortest yet longest school terms at the same time… everyone  looks forward to the long holiday yet the term seems like it’s not even about to end!  Believe me, for a while I actually thought "what if the days have started reversing!”

When the day finally arrived, I was up at 5:30 a.m and by 7:00 a.m, I was ready to enter any car that was willing to give me a ride back home. It did not matter that the official closing time had been set to 9:30 a.m.

I’m just a light example of the hilarious preparations surrounding the closing day at school because some students had their bags packed a week earlier! (Funny that this was way before exams began!) 
Anyway, not that school is that bad but for any student, especially in boarding school, it’s only natural to feel like we need a rest from one simple thing

ROUTINE!  That explains the occasional laziness; watching movies throughout the day and night, breakfast at lunch time, playing music almost 24-7, parties on weird weekdays, the increased number of youth window shoppers all over the city, of course celebration for the taxi and motorcycle sector… you name it!

And that’s exactly the point! It’s part of the whole holiday package. I know many parents who wonder how we can get so caught up in programmes that don’t seem so interesting yet are super exciting for teens; how we meet the same people almost every day but never run out of words to say.

Parents might never get a clear answer to that any soon plus, I’m sure they remember too clearly their youthful days back then. It’s just the way growing up is. We definitely need their guidance but also, chance to soar through life for ourselves, take our own decisions, make our own mistakes and take responsibility for our own actions as we become our own people!

To our guardians, mentors and parents; somehow, holidays are the platform we have so once again, it is a package. It’s more than just rest and waiting to get back to school. We need to be supported, not despised; corrected and not ridiculed.

To the youth of today; I say this is your chance to make wise decisions because I’ve learnt, the hard way, that as much as we all hate it, we are still accountable and answerable to the people around us in one way or another whether we like it or not.
