Did You Know…

•  The Rhesus monkey is the only animal that can be taught to hum a tune. • When on heat, female hippopotami secrete oil with a flavor similar to strawberries. Kalahari bushmen use the oil to make flat-bread treats for children.

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

•  The Rhesus monkey is the only animal that can be taught to hum a tune.

• When on heat, female hippopotami secrete oil with a flavor similar to strawberries. Kalahari bushmen use the oil to make flat-bread treats for children.

• The French language has seventeen different words for "surrender.”

• The practice of putting the letter "e” in front of words to mean "web-based” (e.g., eBusiness, eLearning, e-soko etc.) was patented by Microsoft in 1992. They are waiting until their anti-trust trial has been officially completed to begin enforcing it.

• What is called a "French kiss” in the English speaking world is known as an "English kiss” in France.

The first known transfusion of blood was performed as early as 1667, when Jean-Baptiste, transfused two pints of blood from a sheep to a young man.

• A ‘walla-walla’ scene is one where extras pretend to be talking in the background -- when they say "walla-walla” it looks like they are actually talking.

• Studies show that if a cat falls off the seventh floor of a building it has about thirty percent less chance of surviving than a cat that falls off the twentieth floor.

• It supposedly takes about eight floors for the cat to realize what is occurring, relax and correct itself.

• The Sanskrit word for "war” means "desire for more cows.”

• The saying "it’s so cold out there it could freeze the balls off a brass monkey” came from when old cannons like the ones used in the Civil War existed. The cannonballs were stacked in a pyramid formation, called a brass monkey. When it got extremely cold outside they would crack and break off... thus the saying.

• A male Angler fish attaches itself to a female and never lets go. Their vascular systems unite and the male becomes entirely dependent on the female’s blood for nutrition.

• There are only three animals with blue tongues: the black bear, the Chow Chow dog and the blue-tongued lizard.

• The coyote’s scientific name (Canis Latrans) means ‘barking dog’.

• Sharks need to swim, or they will sink.

• If NASA sent birds into space they would soon die; they need gravity to swallow.

• The word "modem” is a contraction of the words "modulate, demodulate.” (MOdulate DEModulate)
