What is wrong with us at KIST?

Editor, No country can be developed without skilled and qualified engineers and scientists who apply the knowledge gained from their respective universities. However, the theoretical part of learning at the university level is simply not enough. Theories can only be strengthened by practical exercises in the required fields such as; laboratories, working places, industries and factories.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


No country can be developed without skilled and qualified engineers and scientists who apply the knowledge gained from their respective universities. However, the theoretical part of learning at the university level is simply not enough. 

Theories can only be strengthened by practical exercises in the required fields such as; laboratories, working places, industries and factories. These enable students completing their academic programs to fully understand what they have learnt; and this is what we call INDUSTRIAL ATTACHMENT.

Without financial means, it’s almost impossible for students to carry out industrial attachments as it requires payment for accommodation, transport fare, meals and other related costs.

In fact, universities are obligated to support their students in attaining these trainings by providing them with the necessary funds; BUT only one university called KIST (Kigali Institute of Science and Technology) has refused to act as other universities.

KIST students who are supposed to carry on with this attachment are confused. We want to know why we are not benefiting from this right to financial means while other students from other universities are.

We are getting frantic as our condition deteriorate—we have no transport fare, we lack rent, and this has resulted in some students cancelling their attachment endless problems.

Obliviously, if nothing is done, the outcome will be the generation of poor quality engineers who will be incompetent in helping the community.

Discouraged KIST student
Ge Niyo
