Society Debate: Is it okay for guys to wear make up?

It’s too gay!After this, the next question should be, “Is it okay for guys to wear bras?” but the answer must remain the same - absolutely not! It’s insane! What kind of man wears bras, let alone makeup?

Friday, October 22, 2010

It’s too gay!
After this, the next question should be, "Is it okay for guys to wear bras?” but the answer must remain the same - absolutely not! It’s insane! What kind of man wears bras, let alone makeup?

Although I agree that gender sensitivity is catching up in all aspects of society; that women and men’s roles are now shared and cross cutting, there are still those things that are carved in stone, specifically for men and specifically for women.

Unfortunately, the trends have changed… nothing seems to be set in stone anymore. Anyone can do anything, anyone can even become anything. If you wake up tomorrow and you want to be white, you can pursue it, if you want to change your sex; it is possible (heard of transvestites?)

The king of male makeup, Marilyn Manson, an American rock ‘n’ roll star, applies something akin to a whole bottle of powder on his face, applies very dark eye shadows and dark red lipstick, an effect that makes him look like a ghost.

His fingernails are also painted and most of his clothes are not typically male.

Hadn’t it been for his flat chest and darkish voice, I swear I would never have figured out that the guy is actually male.
This is what makeup does to men; when applied in generous quantities, it makes them look like ghosts, and in fewer quantities, it makes them look like little girls. Now please help me on this; other than a gay guy, which kind of man would want to look like a girl?

Maybe some boys try it out after being influenced by what they watched on TV, but after figuring out how silly they look, I’m sure they would rather drop the idea once and for all.

Perhaps there are some men concerned about their skin and want to use makeup to cover up the ugly pimples or weird scars; they may argue that it’s the same reason why women wear makeup. But the truth is, women are permitted to wear makeup - pimples or no pimples, and they look attractive with it.

Men on the other hand, well, I think I already explained how they look with makeup on - ghastly.

If it’s in order to attract the ladies, makeup won’t serve you well. For as long as I have discussed with women, I have understood that they appreciate men with a natural look; smart, well kempt men; with self confidence.

The first thought that comes to me when I see a man wearing makeup is that if he isn’t gay, he is suffering from a serious issue of low self-esteem, and that he is trying to hide his true nature behind the makeup.

There are lotions and Vaseline that can be used by both male and female to reduce paleness or dry skin, but using Vaseline is not tantamount to applying makeup. However if it is, then using lotions and Vaseline should be the only times that men are caught applying makeup.