Signs of a well dressed man

No.10 - Shiny shoesDingy, dirty shoes can make even the finest suit look, well, not so fine. Plain and simple, a freshly shined pair can spruce up even the most mediocre digs. Clean polished shoes are quite literally a reflection of you.

Friday, October 22, 2010

No.10 - Shiny shoes
Dingy, dirty shoes can make even the finest suit look, well, not so fine. Plain and simple, a freshly shined pair can spruce up even the most mediocre digs. Clean polished shoes are quite literally a reflection of you.

No.9 - Trimmed and shaved
Overgrown hair? Unkempt beards? Waiting too long between hair cuts or, worse, carelessly shaving is a quick way to look shabby. See your stylist at least once every week and keep that hair growth in check.

No.8 - Tailor-made
No matter what your closet contains -- luxe labels, fine fabrics, the newest trends -- it doesn’t mean much without a flawless fit. This is not just about that custom suit; it goes for everything from trousers to t-shirts. They should fit. There is only way to know if the cut is right: always try it on before you buy.

No.7 - Color coordinated
Colors should complement but never be matchy-matchy. In fact, feel free to experiment by contrasting colors in the most unexpected places -- like a bright pink tie with a pair of pink socks with even the subtlest of suits

No.6 - Understated elegance
It shouldn’t take Armani’s, Prada’s, or Gucci’s to get you noticed. Then again, fading into background isn’t the answer either. The compromise? Wear one piece that says something (it can be anything from a jacket to a bracelet) and let the rest play a supporting role. In other words, your attire and accessories should make a statement, not put on a show.

No.5 - Vintage finds
Few men are fortunate enough to have a heap of valuable hand-me-downs; that’s where second-hand shopping comes in. Think vintage watches and old-school designer cuffs.  They’re not always easy to find, but once you do come across them, you’ll never want to let them go.

No.4 - Signature scent
Having an army of aromas isn’t just a waste of money, it’s downright olfactorily offensive. Men need, at most, just two fragrances. One should be lighter for daytime; the other more robust for nights out. With proper application (a spritz behind the ears and on the wrists), both will become a part of you -- rather than prematurely announcing your arrival.

No.3 - Pocket protection
Somewhere along the line, men forgot about the little things in life -- like the all-important pocket square. Use it with a suit for formal situations.  The key is to mix rather than match. After a few tries, you’ll soon realize that the hanky is a minor detail with major impact.

No.2 - See clearly
We’re not all blessed with natural 20/20 eye sight. If you need to wear specs, go be bold about your choice. They should perfectly fit your face, to give you that look of a man who knows what he wants and isn’t afraid to go get it.

No.1 - Confidence
Confidence -- one word says it all. Without a little swagger in your step, nothing else matters.
