The Forbidden Question: Gahima returns home…continued

Previously: Gahima returns to his village. He has lost most of one arm. His mother, Muka, wants to know how he survived so far from home.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Previously: Gahima returns to his village. He has lost most of one arm. His mother, Muka, wants to know how he survived so far from home.

"How did you receive treatment,” Muka asked.

"The policemen themselves took me to King Faysal Hospital. I spent two good months there before I was transferred to Kanombe Military Hospital,” said Gahima.

Their conversation was characterized by both sorrow and joy. Muka would laugh whenever her son told her how he survived death and cry whenever Gahima told her the hard times he went through.

Muka could not believe her ears when her son told her that he had kept Frw213m in the bank. He told her that they were going to buy a nice house, a nice car, and live a comfortable life.

"Gahima! My son, are you dreaming or you are telling the truth?” Muka exclaimed.
