It’s time the Kigali City Park was constructed

Editor, Kigali is a wonderful city to live in, except for the fact that it doesn’t have a green area where its inhabitants can just enjoy nature.i was pleasing to read in Thursday’s issue of The New Times that the Government through Kigali City Council (KCC) and Rwanda Development Board (RDB) re-advertised the proposed amusement and hospitality park for interested investors to take it over.

Friday, October 15, 2010
Quiet and serene is what Kigali dwellers need.


Kigali is a wonderful city to live in, except for the fact that it doesn’t have a green area where its inhabitants can just enjoy nature.i was pleasing to read in Thursday’s issue of

The New Times that the Government through Kigali City Council (KCC) and Rwanda Development Board (RDB) re-advertised the proposed amusement and hospitality park for interested investors to take it over.

The park, which is to be located in a prime area between Nyarutarama and Kacyiru would surely improve the lives of everyone because right now, it has become a haven for mischief.

And honestly, I want to be able to enjoy a picnic with my family and friends right here in Kigali. Make the Park a reality, pronto!

Joseph Kagabo