How to manage candidiasis disease

Candidiasis is an infection caused by a yeast-like fungus called Candida albicans. It can infect the mouth, vagina, skin, stomach, and urinary tract. Candidiasis infection commonly affects women as vaginal yeast infection during their lifetime and the highest percentage of all people with HIV/AIDS develop Candida infections.

Thursday, October 14, 2010
L-R : Yeast-Infections ; An infection on the right side of the neck

Candidiasis is an infection caused by a yeast-like fungus called Candida albicans. It can infect the mouth, vagina, skin, stomach, and urinary tract.

Candidiasis infection commonly affects women as vaginal yeast infection during their lifetime and the highest percentage of all people with HIV/AIDS develop Candida infections.

Oral infections called oral thrush are most common in infants, elderly people, and those with a weakened immune system.

Oral candidiasis manifests itself as creamy white patches in the mouth or on the throat and some times with painful cracks at the corners of the mouth.

There are also skin rashes, patches, and blisters found most commonly in the groin, between fingers and toes, and under the breasts. Vaginal itching and irritation with a white discharge resembling cottage cheese is a typical symptom for vaginal yeast infection.

Important to notice is that normal amounts of candida live in the mouth, stomach, and vagina, and do not cause infections. But candidiasis occurs when there is an overgrowth of candida.

Causes may include taking certain drugs especially antibiotics, corticosteroids, and some birth control pills. Other causes may include pregnancy, being overweight, having a bacterial infection, or several different health conditions for example a weakened immune system, diabetes, and psoriasis.

Due to high prevalence of the disease in women, many women know when they have a vaginal yeast infection, and those who have never suffered from the disease need to consult doctors in case the above signs and symptoms present.

Many antifungal medications can treat candidiasis. Antifungal medications include oral rinses and tablets, vaginal tablets and creams. For vaginal yeast infections, medications that are available over the counter include creams and suppositories such as miconazole (Monistat), ticonazole (Vagistat), and clotrimazole (Gyne-Lotrimin).

Creams combined with low strength corticosteroids reduce inflammation and itching.  Most treatments last from two or three days to two weeks.

For severe candidiasis that could be life threatening to someone with a comprised immune system, doctors normally prescribe an intravenous (IV) medication such as amphotericin B.

Some scientific reports suggest that reducing sugar in one’s diet may help prevent yeast infections. Other foods that some health experts believe may contribute to candidiasis include high amounts of milk, dairy products, and foods with high concentrations of yeast such as cheese, peanuts, and alcohol.

Alternatively, one can use natural antifungal as well as immune strengthening therapies to improve the body’s ability to keep candida in check.

Vitamin C (500 - 1,000 mg per day), vitamin E (200 - 400 IU per day), and selenium (200 mcg per day) helps to reduce the inflammation and keeps the immune system strong.

Essential fatty acids help reduce inflammation. For example mix of omega-6 and omega-3 (fish oil) presents a good natural therapy. It also helps to reduce animal fats in our diet and increase fish and nuts.

Vitamin B-complex is also required. Other vitamin B contents include B1 (50 - 100 mg), B2 (50 mg), B3 (25 mg), B5 (100 mg), B6 (50 - 100 mg), B12 (100 - 1,000 mcg), folate (400 mcg per day).

Calcium is very important and at least 1,000 - 1,500 mg per day. Many people who have recurrent yeast infections normally do not have enough calcium in their diet. There is also need for magnesium (750 - 1,000 mg per day) to balance calcium intake.

Caprylic acid (1 g with meals) is another type of fatty acid that may have antifungal properties.
Adding more garlic (fungicidal), nuts (essential fatty acids), whole grains (B vitamins) and the diet may help avoid yeast infections.

Avoid the overuse of antibiotics that kill off the friendly bacteria that normally keep candida in check. For use of antibiotics, it is important to consult health experts for the proper use of antibiotics, when they are needed.

Some herbs have good anti-fungal properties, for example the juice of the herb Echinacea has been shown to help prevent recurrence of vaginal yeast infections.

Tea tree oil scientifically known as meleleuca alternifolia has antifungal properties. It is effective in treating oral thrush when used as a mouthwash. Tea tree oil is toxic if swallowed, and should only be used as a mouthwash under health guidelines.
