The sixth sense in women

For many years men have been wondering how their girlfriends and wives have been able to detect their unfaithfulness and dishonesty, if they are wearing a shirt for a second time in a week or not. It’s not that someone is spying on you no; it is the power of the sixth sense in women.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

For many years men have been wondering how their girlfriends and wives have been able to detect their unfaithfulness and dishonesty, if they are wearing a shirt for a second time in a week or not. It’s not that someone is spying on you no; it is the power of the sixth sense in women.

Senses are the physiological capacities within organisms that provide inputs for perception. The senses and their operation, classification, and theory are overlapping topics studied by a variety of fields, most notably neuroscience, cognitive psychology (or cognitive science), and philosophy of perception. The nervous system has a specific sensory system or organ, dedicated to each sense.

Women have an uncanny ability to detect brand-names, lies and labels, and then speak to you or not speak to you accordingly.

The ancestors of humans may have communicated by a sixth sense, by detecting chemical signals given off by each other. They received these signals through a specialized organ in the nose, vestiges of which still exist. Some researchers think the organ still functions and influences our behavior; others believe it is extinct.

Located just behind the nostrils in the nose’s dividing septum are two tiny pits referred to as the vomeronasal organ (VNO), the seat of the sixth sense. Named for the vomer bone, where the septum meets the top of the mouth, the VNO contains nerve cells that sense chemicals called pheromones, secreted by many animals, including, perhaps, humans.

Women’s sixth sense is easily explained by two factors. One is that women tend to have better bilateral use of their brains. In other words, they pay more attention to the right side of their brain which is associated with more intuitive perception. Second, women are brought up to be more in touch with their feelings which also allows them to be more intuitive.

One of the biggest conceptions about dating is that women are somehow "more intuitive” than men, that is, they are more discerning than men.

Throughout history, human beings have always used the supernatural to explain things that usually happen. Even in today’s scientific world, there are still many men who believe that women have a "special sixth sense”. For example, women can "tell” if a guy is a "player” or if he’s an "insecure little boy.”

Women have a sixth sense because they can always sense the unknown without being told.  They can sense insecurity by observing your actions.