Motherhood and Self Care

Do what you love. If you only can create 30 minutes a day to take care of yourself - choose activities that you really love to do (what really fills you up, inspires you, nurtures you, supports you - choose these things!) it easier to. Yes, running 5 kms would be good, but maybe you would rather have a bubble bath - so have the bath!

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Do what you love.

If you only can create 30 minutes a day to take care of yourself - choose activities that you really love to do (what really fills you up, inspires you, nurtures you, supports you - choose these things!) it easier to. Yes, running 5 kms would be good, but maybe you would rather have a bubble bath - so have the bath!

Think integration versus balance

Balance may seem like a distant far fetched notion while you pack kids into the car, run back in the house to grab your car keys and the lunch bag you forgot on the counter, so let’s reframe balance into integration. Integration means that the really important parts of your life get some of your attention - so you exercise, eat healthy, and make time for self reflection. But perhaps you can’t do all of these things every single day - but overall you tend to them in the course of a week, a month - this is integration.

Give yourself permission to put yourself first

There is always more to do - another load of laundry, more dishes - there is always something that can take you away from yourself! You must give yourself permission, absolute endorsement, to care for yourself. This will mean walking away from other things to claim this time for you and feel guilt free, essential time for yourself devoted to tending to your wellness and replenishment.

Ask for what you need and want

We need support from our family, friends and colleagues to put self-care up front in our lives. One way to get this support is to not leave it to chance or default, ask for it, be clear and specific in what you need from others to help you achieve your self-care goals.

Create self-care routines and habits

If you have to always give a lot of thought and preparation to your self-care activities, you are much less likely to actually follow through with getting down to it. It is a lot easier to have routines for your self-care - for example, you know you go for a walk at lunch time (period - you protect the time, you don’t have to figure out when you are going to exercise, and while others are working through lunch, responding to more email, etc. you are moving your body and having a break!)

Reframe the "self-care is selfish” mantra –

This is a sabotage word - none of us want to be seen as selfish, therefore sometimes we do not practice self-care if we are regarding it, or those in our lives are regarding it, as a selfish act. Right now, change your language - self-care is not selfish, it is wisdom. Your health, your life, your happiness - all rest in the quality of your self-care in mind, body, heart and spirit. You know this to be true - so allow yourself to claim it proudly in your life.
