Rachel’s Ramblings : Flirt but have limits

Ever had that girl pal who you love to death but has a flirting problem that just embarrasses you beyond imagination? The one who will flirt her way out of a problem and sometimes even into one!

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Ever had that girl pal who you love to death but has a flirting problem that just embarrasses you beyond imagination? The one who will flirt her way out of a problem and sometimes even into one!

It’s natural that you can meet a guy and flirt around and maybe start hoping for something bigger than flirting. But is it natural to flirt with every man who walks in your direction? From your boss, workmates, relatives to the driver and house boy?

Some say flirting is healthy and harmless. I don’t know about the harmless part but I totally agree with the healthy. You feel a lot more attractive and confident of yourself and that to me is healthy if done with consideration.

It might be harmless sometimes but what happens when you do it on a daily basis? Like literally flirting your way through life?

Imagine going for a cocktail party with your best friend and you are all looking super hot. You feel incredibly sexy and it helps that you are single because there’s a lot of charming chaps ready to be met. But then your pal takes one glass of wine and jumps on the first guy she spots.

That wouldn’t be so bad if 2 hours and 6 glasses of wine later she hadn’t been ‘friendly’ to most of the guys from the host to the janitor!  In this case, flirting can be dangerous. Some guys love the fact that a woman is that ‘friendly’ and will mistake the flirting for something you didn’t quite sign up for.

Trying to take her away and save her from making a mistake she most definitely will regret in the morning is a problem. You end up looking like you are ruining her ‘good time’. At least to her that’s what it is.

The worst part is when you can see the guy is clearly up to no good. He looks at her as though she is something to eat or like he’s about to pounce on her any second! There is only one thing going on in his mind and it is not how lovely she looks.

For some people, flirting may be something they do as a harmless act of fun. The message it sends out however is anything but. No one will believe that what happens at the party stays at the party. If you’re flirting ceases to be cute then your reputation won’t be cute either!
Daisy Uwera an employee at an internet café in town says flirting is okay but should be in control.

"There is nothing more degrading than a girl who flirts with so many guys. Even if you don’t sleep around people will assume you do,” says Daisy.

If it’s a flirty friend and you are married or seeing someone, you might want to keep her away from your territory. Men are natural flirts so if your pal is flirting with him then by God he will do the same.

After all it is just a harmless flirt right? But when you see them giggling endlessly and her pulling a stray hair from his face or him gazing into her eyes as though she held all the diamonds in the world in them, you’ll know what I mean by not being cute anymore!

Then the ones who flirt with their partners seated right next to them are another mystery all together. Flirt with your partner if you must. Don’t leave people wondering how you operate and your partner thinking maybe you are not the right woman after all.

Be as outgoing as you can without seeming loose because that’s what you end up being called even though your intentions go no further than that ‘friendly’ talk.
