To our heroes we say, Thank You.

Editor, I can hardly believe that its already twenty years ago since the war of national liberation begun when the Rwanda Patriotic Army troops crossed the Kagitumba bridge and took on a regime that attempted to make permanent refugees of many of us. As a child I could barely understand what was going on but I knew that my uncles were fighting for me.

Friday, October 01, 2010


I can hardly believe that its already twenty years ago since the war of national liberation begun when the Rwanda Patriotic Army troops crossed the Kagitumba bridge and took on a regime that attempted to make permanent refugees of many of us. As a child I could barely understand what was going on but I knew that my uncles were fighting for me.

As someone who is enjoying the freedoms of citizenship because brave men and women decided that enough was enough, I want to thank all of you for giving me back what I had lost, my country.

No longer will I be asked "what country do you come from”, and not know the answer. We are home sweet home.

Sam Rwego