Is Nagasaki and Hiroshima called Genocide?

Editor, During the World War II a lot of dark occurrences happened. I want to highlight what happened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. 

Tuesday, September 07, 2010
A residential street in Hiroshima after the atomic bomb. It has never been called Genocide


During the World War II a lot of dark occurrences happened. I want to highlight what happened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. 

The United State of America dropped a nuclear bomb on these 2 cities killing more than 300,000 people most of them children, women and old people. There is no need for a UN Commission to prove that this event happened.

However, I want to raise an issue here: Does the international community consider these events as genocide or a possible genocide against the Japanese?

No! No one would dare to. Although it might seem like one if we use the logic the UN is employing today vis-à-vis events in Congo.

People were bombarded in Japan, however the international community decided to view this event as an effort by the US to end World War II; basically saving millions of Japanese and Americans lives, which would have been lost if the war had continued.

Nobody can deny the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi; it is a fact. That is, unless you are a hard-line ‘neo-Interahamwe’.

It happened and the RPF stopped it. But the war continued and this is also undisputable,
Refugee fled to Congo and nobody can deny that these people were mixed with the troops and militia that committed the Genocide and that the UN didn’t follow the normal procedure of disarming them.

One can’t deny that the army and militia from these refugee camps were still hostile and dangerous to Rwanda. So the RPF led government ended this problem.

 First the government turned to the UN. The President asked the international community to solve the problem peacefully and warned that if they don’t he would.

When this support was not given, Rwanda decided to end this problem by attacking these camps and repartriated Rwandans who had been held hostage.

Did RPF led government repatriates over 2 millions of people from these camps? Video footages of columns of people entering Rwanda from Congo exist. Did some people die in the process? Certainly.

Did this move by the government save the lives of millions of Rwandans both within and outside Rwanda? Yes, undisputable. 

Can we call this move by the government genocide against the Hutu? Well this is your call …..But before you answer, please tell me the name of what the USA did in Japan.

Christian Murera