When chemistry goes outside the laboratory

While it’d be nice to think that the earth moves and the angels sing when you’ve found The One, sometimes the signals that you two are truly meant for each other, are much more subtle than that. You have sweaty palms and you feel the pounding of your heart can literally be heard from across the globe!

Saturday, September 04, 2010

While it’d be nice to think that the earth moves and the angels sing when you’ve found The One, sometimes the signals that you two are truly meant for each other, are much more subtle than that. You have sweaty palms and you feel the pounding of your heart can literally be heard from across the globe!

It’s understandable but we need to be more aware of the dead giveaways we send when faced with that person who sends your heart racing!! For instance, on that date or at least most times you get to hang with him, you get clumsier and clumsier!

You can’t count how many times you’ve dropped your fork or knocked over your glass of water. Funny thing is you are usually not like this at all. But the good news is that’s okay because then you know there is definitely something special about this guy.

True chemistry makes us more mellow than usual — so don’t be surprised if you find yourself being agreeable with your date in ways you might not have been with anyone else. You will be more than happy to share his spinach and Brussels’ sprouts yet in actual sense you loathe them!

And even though you’re not a Chinese food fan, what the heck, you’ll give it a shot because when you are falling in love you more easily surrender your boundaries in the hope to merge better with that person.

You’re more unsettled during the date and if you find yourself stroking your own arm, tapping your leg, or otherwise fidgeting during the date, rest assured: Whether you fully know it or not, you like this person. Some experts even argue that stroking your own arm or leg indicates a subconscious desire to reach out and touch the person you’re with.

For some reason, when you are with him, the room seems brighter and you could swear someone turned on the heat too! Or did someone nudge up the dimmer switch? The simple truth is you are smitten.

You notice a tiny dent in your date’s pinkie nail or that your date’s hair flips up on the left but under on the right. You’ve never noticed something like that about a person before, so why now? You’re a smitten kitten that’s what.

You feel more "familiar” with your date than "lusty”. Sure, most people think it’s a good sign when they want to jump over the table and rip their date’s clothes off. But let’s be honest—there are plenty of acquaintances you’ve wanted to do that to, and there was no deeper, underlying chemistry there.

A stronger sign is that instead of feeling lust for your date, you’re overwhelmed by a feeling of familiarity — a sense of, "Gosh, I feel like I’ve known you before.” It’s a natural thing and that is why you will keep gazing in his eyes wondering or trying so hard to place him in your past!

For example, a man might recognize a feeling of being at ease and nurtured the way his mother made him feel. A woman might feel comfortable with the dry humour of her date, similar to the way her father interacted with her.

Do not ignore these signs or feel as though it is something that will go away eventually, because, I can assure you it won’t. Take it as a good thing because he could indeed end up being your number one or whatever it is they call it these days.
