Kayumba Nyamwasa has lost generalship values

In his recent article titled “Turncoats and traitors beware of perdition”, Joseph Rwagatare poses a very pertinent question: What does it benefit a man to gain a few crumbs and lose his country (and his soul)?

Monday, August 30, 2010

In his recent article titled "Turncoats and traitors beware of perdition”, Joseph Rwagatare poses a very pertinent question: What does it benefit a man to gain a few crumbs and lose his country (and his soul)?

This, he does in reference to a syndicate of Rwandan wrongdoers scattered all over the globe, who in the recent times, have embarked on a deliberate diplomatic and media smear campaign towards a legitimate government of their own country – Rwanda and of the person of the President.

Evidently, the writer is disturbed and perplexed at how humanity so often willfully fails to discern good from bad – the capacity of the human person to easily become myopic in search of pseudo fulfillment at the expense of the greater good of the society they live.

This precisely, is what Kayumba represented while he wielded positions of power which many readers of this article will be aware of.

After losing this prowess, Kayumba and co seem to think that by making venomous pronouncements against the government he claims to have prudently served, will in some way restore his aura of power – power that he time and again put to wrong use.

It is true that Kayumba’s personality and history was characterized by self aggrandizement, primitive wealth accumulation and obscurantism. There is much published evidence to this effect – a case in point being "his” 400 hectares of land amassed using his position in total disregard of tens of thousands of poor landless Rwandan returnees.

What Kayumba forgets is that power is bestowed on those who govern by the governed. I do not wish to repeat details regarding his bandit economy approaches, for I believe that much has been written and said in that regard by those who wrote about him before me.

It is also not necessary to enumerate Kayumba’s attempts to nurture intrigues and create cliques within the RDF while he was still the Army Commander and even after. This has also been written about in many previous articles with incriminating evidence.

Perhaps as a follow-up to Joseph’s question, one should ask: Does a man who decides to gain a few crumbs and lose his country have a soul after all? This is a complex question with probably no direct response.

For, whereas we believe that every human being has a soul; this unseen is what shapes our actions – good or bad. Kayumba’s soul has chosen to guide him to do the latter.

That he prefers to monger for war on his own country through utterances he makes speaks volumes – and in doing so, Kayumba has effectively lost Generalship values.
Speaking of Generalship values, I should emphasize the fact that in military history, Generals have been instrumental in developing a nation’s grand strategy, shaping society and its destiny through their deeds.

Good Generals are selfless, put common good before individual gains, and strive to find sustainable solutions to challenges faced by the society they serve. Good generals resolutely defend the national campaigns and gains they have made on and off the battlefield.

But most importantly, they do this while upholding to the highest levels of discipline and accountability. Good Generals do not denigrate their Commanders-in-Chief and do not run away to plot against their countries.

Kayumba has demonstrated through his actions and utterances to stand for the reverse of these Generalship values.
And therefore, whereas Kayumba claims "exploits” and "bravery” during his days in RDF (stated by himself), it is the consistency required of a General to perform at such a high level with maximum discipline that has continually eluded and betrayed him in the end.

The temptation to exercise power without restraint has constantly blurred his reason and his bloated ego has driven his conscience to a point of no return.

However, Kayumba must remember as written by an American essayist, poet and philosopher that: "Every violation of truth is not only a sort of suicide in the liar, but a stab at the health of human society” – and that he and co will sooner or later be held accountable for their actions.

Rwandans are determined to defend this nation from all sorts of injustices as happened from the past.
