Churches should indeed be taxed

I was passing by the streets last week when I heard two men arguing on the issue of churches being taxed.

Friday, August 24, 2007

I was passing by the streets last week when I heard two men arguing on the issue of churches being taxed.

Still when I went to watch a football match between Liverpool and Chelsea on Sunday, two friends of mine where locked up in an argument on the same topic before the match kicked off.

One insisting on the churches being taxed and another saying they shouldn’t because they were promoting morality in society.

But why not yet the amount of money collected in these churches is really very huge? Besides there are lots of funds from abroad that I guess make it difficult for the central bank to monitor.

This money consequently escalates the inflation rate since central bank can’t monitor it.

Therefore RRA should tax churches for the benefit of the whole economy.

Ngabo Rukundo