Did You Know…

• A camel can go for as much as two months without drinking water; its tissues are extraordinarily tolerant to dehydration. Little wonder that when it does drink, it drinks with great gusto. Schmidt-Nielsen, a physiologist of desert animals- reports that a camel was given water after 16days without it, drank 40 litres in 10minutes.

Monday, July 19, 2010

• A camel can go for as much as two months without drinking water; its tissues are extraordinarily tolerant to dehydration. Little wonder that when it does drink, it drinks with great gusto. Schmidt-Nielsen, a physiologist of desert animals- reports that a camel was given water after 16days without it, drank 40 litres in 10minutes.

• Severe protein deficiency results in a condition known as kwashiorkor, an African word meaning ‘’the rejected one’’. A child suffering from kwashiorkor is physically weak and shows retarded growth.

• Oprah is actually a typo. Her parents wanted to use the biblical name Orpah, but the mid-wife couldn’t spell, so it became Oprah.

• When Chevrolet motor company tried to introduce the ‘’nova’’ car to Spain but it wasn’t a big seller. This is because ‘’nova’’ means ‘’doesn’t go’’ in Spanish.

• If you are right handed you chew on the right side of your mouth, and if you are left handed, you use the left side of you mouth.

• You can literally hypnotize a chicken by holding it and drawing a line in the dirt over and over. The chicken will stay still right there as long as you do this.

• After cats eat, they always immediately bathe themselves. This is because their instinct tells them to get the food scent off them so that predators will not smell the food and come after them.

• The male Darwin frog, found in Chile, swallows his mate’s eggs and keeps them in a sac under his chin. When the tadpoles are big enough he opens his mouth and lets them out.

• The oyster is usually bisexual. It begins life as a male, and then becomes a female, and then changes back to being a male, then back to being female. It may go back and forth many times.

• The symbol on the "pound” key (#) is called an octothorpe.

• The word "karate” means "empty hand.” And the word "samba” means "to rub navels together.”

• A hamlet is a village without a church and a town is not a city until it has a cathedral.
