Ex-porn Addict Confesses

Many young people are silently struggling to break porn-addiction, and many more are diving into it naively, it often starts with watching false-pornography things like modeling sites, music videos and other channels that contains seductive images, before the blink of an eye find themselves into it’s deadly jaws!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Many young people are silently struggling to break porn-addiction, and many more are diving into it naively, it often starts with watching false-pornography things like modeling sites, music videos and other channels that contains seductive images, before the blink of an eye find themselves into it’s deadly jaws!

Andrew Ruzibiza, 24 years, is a second year student at ULK; he talks about his struggle with porn-addiction.

"I was introduced to pornography at the age of eleven. My dad and I were the only two people in our home who liked reading books and novels. Every night after dinner I revised my notes in our ‘home library’ before retiring to bed.” 

"One night a glossy magazine caught my eye, the picture on the cover made my heart skip! I dropped it like it was hot! I got my book and tried to read but all my eyes could see was the nude picture on the cover.”

"That evening after dinner, dad went straight to bed, I locked myself in the study. I first fed and then feasted page by page through the mag. I later discovered that many other old issues were stashed away so I secretly borrowed them.

Every opportunity I got, I rushed to the library and locked myself in and indulged myself. My mother thought I loved reading and didn’t know what I was drowning into.”

"Dad read every new issue of play boy, penthouse and other brand names in the business and so did I. My vocabulary was dented, I could use words that left older people dumb folded!”

"My childhood was ruined; the only thing I could do in class was to wish, dream and fantasize about the chicks in the mags. It was a miracle that I managed to pass exams, by the time I joined high school, I was a big-time porn-addict!”

"Porn affected my studies and other areas of my life because I stayed awake the whole night reading and viewing pornographic materials and dozed in class. When I wasn’t dozing off, I imagined female students and teachers as ‘strip teasers’.”

"I used my pocket-money to buy the latest magazine issues. This also pushed me to lie for extra dime, and as I got hungrier for more material, I started selling off my personal stuff.”

"I always knew I was doing something wrong, but couldn’t get the strength to quit! When I was at the peak of my addiction, I got knocked by a speeding truck; the six-months I spent in the hospital cured my deadly addiction.”

"Now when I look back, the biggest reason I got engrossed in porn was because it was something I was not supposed to do.”
