Have your say : Would you attend your ex‘s wedding?

While walking down the street you bump into your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend‘s sister/brother who tells you that your ex is getting married in two weeks and somehow you are invited to the wedding, and you are thinking of denying the invitation.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

While walking down the street you bump into your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend‘s sister/brother who tells you that your ex is getting married in two weeks and somehow you are invited to the wedding, and you are thinking of denying the invitation.

How can you accept it without having second thoughts? Ask yourself: Can you bear seeing your once-beloved honey pie getting married to someone else? What would you do?

Charles Mutsindashaka (Manager)

It depends on the way we separated. If I caught her cheating, definitely I would not attend, but if our separation was a mutual understanding then I would find no problem attending the wedding.

Clarisse Mwiza (Hair dresser)

Whatever happened is in the past, your ex has obviously moved on and was decent enough to invite you to their big day. Your relationship is over; leave it in the past. I would not hesitate to attend the wedding.

Regis Muramira (Football commentator)

I would absolutely attend the wedding because at one moment we were friends. Besides attending the wedding, I would help her if faced with problems.

Jovian Mulekatete (Student)

Yes, I would attend and look forward to it or something along those lines. The only thing I would not do is to start talking about the past, that’s the last thing they want to hear prior to their wedding day.

Allan Rucagu (Shop attendant)

It’s a no go area because you would be initiating awkward situations. Most people who attended the wedding and knew about your relationship start pointing fingers and totally avoid you during the occasion.  
Jack Berlet (Administrator)

I would attend the wedding but not present the couple with a present. It’s unbearable to see someone else walking down the aisle with the former love of your life.

What is your say?
