Profile: Gilo on Hyping up the Entertainment Facet

Gilbert Mwebaze a.k.a Gilo is the owner of Evolve Night Club that has been considered one of the happening places in Kigali.

Friday, July 09, 2010
Creativity flourishes at the Nyirangarama stall where mimic of his establishment was created.

Gilbert Mwebaze a.k.a Gilo is the owner of Evolve Night Club that has been considered one of the happening places in Kigali.

The Club is open on Friday and Saturday, entrance is free with one of the best D.Js that play variety of music hence one just needs to buy drinks and get rocked all night long.
Born in Uganda on May 15, 1980 at Mengo hospital, he attended Buganda Road Primary School, Busoga College Mwiri for his O’ level, Makerere High School for his A’ level and pursed a Bachelors Degree in Science and Information Technology at Sikkim Manipal University.

"I have worked for different companies in regards to IT such as Computer frontiers, a College Integrated Training center (EICT) where I set up a call center since it was my specialty,” Gilbert narrates

Friday night  at Evolve Night Club is considered the urban night, top hits of all time are played for resistance dancehall hits, Rock, R’n B and Saturday night is a dancehall night although other kinds of music keeps creeping in especially if one requests for a particular song, their wish is granted.

"I started the Club since there were limited options every time one wished to go clubbing,” Gilbert explains 
He said: "I happened to go to some place and a D.J played a song three times back to back something that is entirely irritating. Opening up a club was not with an aim of making money but instead I want to just hype up the entertainment facet in Rwanda.”

When asked to comment about Kigali night life he said: "Kigali night life is picking up considering the early time. Although people call it a center of boredom, it’s the business people in the entertainment industry who aim at making profits than offering services. If a person first embraces the business aspect in whatever they are doing then they look for simplest, cheapest and consider making profits above all. I’m zealous about music and I preferred an outdoor kind of entertainment were loud music could be played in an open place at night but the police can’t grant us the opportunity.”

"The most irritating aspects are the ladies of the night s who have totally made the clubs their operational places, one tends to get scared to even say hullo to a nice looking chick because at the back of your mind your thinking she is working. A guy is able to talk to freely to talk to a chick in club if she is introduced to you by a friend,” Gilbert painfully explains

The 30-year-old is very single and says his contented at the time since he still has a lot to accomplish. However, the woman of his dreams has to be understanding since his considers himself a workaholic something that women detest.

His favorites:-

Dish: - Mushroom steak

Music: - Adult contemporary music

Artist:-The Late Rick James

Sport: - formula One

Sports personality: - Lewis Hamilton

Car: - Toyota fx

Personality: - My father

Quote: - "If you don’t stand for something, you fall for anything"
