Continental trade is the way forward

Editor, I recently visited the Egyptian mini-Expo at Amahoro National Stadium just the other day and all I can say is that I was impressed. The quality of the goods was high-end but the prices were extremely affordable as well. I guess it was because the goods were coming from a Comesa member nation.

Thursday, July 08, 2010


I recently visited the Egyptian mini-Expo at Amahoro National Stadium just the other day and all I can say is that I was impressed. The quality of the goods was high-end but the prices were extremely affordable as well. I guess it was because the goods were coming from a Comesa member nation.

If the price for joining regional trade blocs is cheaper prices, I’m all for it. Maybe we can join SADC (the Southern Africa Development Community) as well and get cheap South African goods as well. If we look inward, and trade inward, it will be a win-win situation.

Julius Musoni