Kibaki has shown us who holds power in Africa

At that time, Uganda’s bickers with Rwanda culminated into the latter publishing the infamous letter to Claire Short by the former, Madeleine Albright. US Secretary of State was visiting Kenya then.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

At that time, Uganda’s bickers with Rwanda culminated into the latter publishing the infamous letter to Claire Short by the former, Madeleine Albright. US Secretary of State was visiting Kenya then.

My workplace, being of American interest, was among the places she visited.

A week prior to her visit, the security at the entire plant was taken over by mean-looking marines. Our Security Manager, eased from his office work wondered whether Africa was being ruled by white women. ‘kwani, tunatawaliwa na wanawake wazungu?’, was his angry rhetoric, in reference to the Short-Madeleine prominence during the week!

Fast forward to the current Kenyan catastrophe. The African Union, the deceptive precursor to a continental government, received the rudest shock, when President Kufuor, current chairman, was told to back off Kenya’s internal matters! Even peace laureate Archbishop Emeritus Tutu had to plead for 2 days before meeting Kibaki.

And who gets red-carpet reception? Jendayi Fraser, US Under Secretary of State. Not Bush, not Rice, not Ki Moon, but a junior minister!

A few weeks back, all the Great Lakes Presidents, at one time touted as the ‘new breed and beckon of hope’ for Africa, had to go to Addis Ababa, to listen to Condoleezza Rice about regional stability! Now we know where power lies!

Entebbe (Uganda) Mayor, Stephen Kabuye, once had the frankness to advocate for direct re-colonisation. Joachim Buwembo’s December satire in The East African did the same.

Yes, am sure the innocent poor who bear the brunt of fighting or ‘partying’ elephants will at least keep their lives.

Indeed, satires apart, check out Hong Kong if you doubt me. Let the real powers take over direct management. Enough with pseudo sovereignty!
