Teachers’ code of ethics is timely

Editor, I was shocked to read in this publication that Rwandan teachers were, only now, set to get a teacher Ethics Code and Teacher Code of Conduct. The codes will be the basis for the standardisation of the teaching profession. They will describe the abilities, knowledge, and understanding that teachers need to provide quality education.

Saturday, July 03, 2010


I was shocked to read in this publication that Rwandan teachers were, only now, set to get a teacher Ethics Code and Teacher Code of Conduct.

The codes will be the basis for the standardisation of the teaching profession. They will describe the abilities, knowledge, and understanding that teachers need to provide quality education.

I find it tragic that the relevant ministry hadn’t already instituted a code of teachers’ ethics. How else did they expect teachers to know how they should have acted both within and outside the school compound?

I find this code extremely timely. Some of the rights and responsibilities illustrated in the proposed code of conduct will include a confidentiality clause, where a teacher is prohibited from sharing private information about the learner except with a parent or guardian.

No longer shall the teaching profession be one that is looked down upon, but will instead take its rightful place.
Jonathan Ruhumuriza