Transform your Bachelorette Pad into a fun and Cozy retreat

As a single and independent lady who has just moved into a new home- whether on your own or with a couple of friends, chances are that you won’t be in a financial position to go the full length to decorate your new retreat.

Monday, June 28, 2010
L-R : Carpets go a long way to enhance coziness and can transform a space instantly ; Carpets go a long way to enhance coziness and can transform a space instantly ; Carpets go a long way to enhance coziness and can transform a space instantly.

As a single and independent lady who has just moved into a new home- whether on your own or with a couple of friends, chances are that you won’t be in a financial position to go the full length to decorate your new retreat.

The truth is, decorating costs money but the good news is that you can still inspire your bachelorette pad with a fresh look without the need to spend a fortune.

A bachelorette pad by definition refers to the housing or apartment in which a single lady or ladies live.

So now that you have moved in, chances are that your stay there may be short term but whatever the case, don’t let that be a barrier to enriching your home because you deserve better!

If you will be moving out in a year or two, be intentional about what décor you use so that you can move it out with you wherever you go, that way you won’t feel bad for spending money on something you can’t take with you.

Everyone wants to eventually have their own home, so now that you’ve got it, make the most of it! Read on to discover exciting and budget friendly ways to transform your home into a relaxing bachelorette pad.
Have fun!

The best part about working with bachelorette pads is having fun with colours. Choose a balanced colour scheme which consists of both neutrals and bright tones.

Start with neutral tones on the furniture and walls, and enhance them by incorporating lively colours into the room- taking it from curtains and pillows to flowers and art work. Use beautiful wall art -African paintings, sculptures and fabrics will effectively enhance a neutral wall.

Keep it cozy

Carpets go a long way to transforming a space instantly by enhancing coziness. In addition to the space looking warmer and complete, a nice carpet or rug will become your best friend each time you return home from a hard day’s work as you relax while placing your bare feet on its soft and soothing surface.

In addition to using carpets or rugs on the floor, consider placing a variety of cushions on your bed and chairs– this will round off the look nicely.

Friends are a major part of a bachelorette’s life. Most likely, you’ll like to have them over to catch up, or simply to have a good time. For a social atmosphere keep the layout as open as possible, this can be achieved by arranging your furniture along the walls, rather than squared-in right in the centre of the room. 

Furniture in open spaces also can be arranged in small, cozy groups. While smaller rooms can be made to look more open using less furniture that is scaled down in size; or else strategically placed around the room with plenty of traffic space between.

Florescent lights are a definite no! They are dull and uninviting. Instead, fit in softer lights that illuminate your home well without overpowering it at the same time. Proper lighting makes a room’s atmosphere more welcoming and pleasurable to live in.  Light up a few scented candles to enjoy an evening in with some friends, or just to relax on your own.

Combine old and new décor

One great way to cut costs is to mix old furniture with new ones and the same also applies to accessories. Even if you don’t usually decorate your home using second hand furniture, mixing old and new ones can create stunning effects and it will certainly save you from spending a great deal of money.

So keep your ears and eyes open for sales, and check out kigalilife on the internet every now and then to see what is on offer, you never know- you might just land on a piece of furniture that fits your bachelorette pad perfectly. Happy decorating!

The author specialises in fashion and interiors