The distribution of National IDs should be revised

EDITOR, The process which is being used by various Sectors to distribute the National IDs (Indagamuntu) is quite annoying. One has to stand and wait to hear while his or her name is being read before getting the document.

Monday, June 21, 2010


The process which is being used by various Sectors to distribute the National IDs (Indagamuntu) is quite annoying. One has to stand and wait to hear while his or her name is being read before getting the document.

The Sector gives specific days on which the IDs are to be distributed. In my opinion, lists should be drawn and then placed on a notice board so that everyone can check whether their ID’s are out.

I have gone at the Sector office thrice without getting my ID and not even knowing whether it’s ready.

One cannot be registered for the upcoming Presidential elections without the National ID so the earlier the process is revised the better.

A concerned Rwandan