KIBS… I am in love with a player

Hi! There is this dude I’m really mad at. I have been warned several times that he is a player but I cannot believe it. Two chicks came and threatened me to leave this guy.

Monday, June 14, 2010


There is this dude I’m really mad at. I have been warned several times that he is a player but I cannot believe it. Two chicks came and threatened me to leave this guy. I am mad at him for lying to me but I do not want to lose him.

I’ve tried my level best to tell him about the threats of these chicks but he gives me a cold shoulder and a deaf ear. How can I handle this one?


Hey Patience,

This sounds like a tough one. You like the dude but, people are warning you that he is a player. A relationship is between two people. What really matters is what you think and what he thinks. Other people may have good or bad intentions. So, what do you think?

Emotions are very intense during teenage hood.  You can fall in and out of love very easily. A love crush can be intense and sometimes you need to step on the breaks, to pull yourself back. Give yourself time to think, to come to a conclusion. What do you really want? Where is it leading?

Think it through. And, do not allow yourself to be pushed.
Asking for advice is good. Especially from older friends, but remember it is you who makes the decision. It is all about you.

Dr. Ninsiima Innocent