Drum melodies woke me up at exactly 12:00am

Last night, at exactly 12:00am, I was in such a deep sleep, when I suddenly heard melodies of drums ringing in my small dark ears.

Monday, December 31, 2007

Last night, at exactly 12:00am, I was in such a deep sleep, when I suddenly heard melodies of drums ringing in my small dark ears.

I could longer sleep because the sound of music played was so sweet.  When I rose from bed, I was so shocked because I discovered that I was the only one left in the house.

My brothers had left me alone in the bed. "Where are you”, I screamed at least for some one to answer me. While I screamed, I heard a voice far from the window of my bed saying "We are here in our neighbor’s compound. "Come over, come”.

I quickly put on my shirt and rushed outside only to find them joyfully celebrating the New Year. Many neighbors were around to dance and sing as they entered the New Year.

‘Wow… this is strange; I have never celebrated any New Year’s Day like this. This is strange.” I said while dancing to the beats of the drums which had woken me out of my sweet sleep.

Happy New Year to all my fellow toddlers who had chance to celebrated the New Year in a special style like me. My prayer the previous night was to have a nation free from child abuse, violence and torture of any kind. Happy New to you all.
