It’s Time to Play

We are all familiar with the saying “All work and no play is makes Jack a dull boy.” This is so true because if children do not play with their friends, they become like Jack.

Monday, June 07, 2010
Children love playing together because its more fun.

We are all familiar with the saying "All work and no play is makes Jack a dull boy.” This is so true because if children do not play with their friends, they become like Jack.

Remember that everytime you play during break time, your mind becomes refreshed. This refreshes your memory and makes you understand what your teacher says.

Playing with your friends also takes away any stress from children. This is because when children play they become relaxed and happy because of the fun they share with their friends.

Instead of sitting around after class doing nothing play with your friends. Just like the children at Kigali Junior Academy do.

Look at how happy they are in the pictures below