The effects of smoking

Although smoking may seem to give pleasure, there are numerous disadvantages that outweigh the positive effects. The habit of smoking cigarettes, marijuana or cigars, is one which has developed in many people. Perceptions about smoking are diverse; some people say it helps them relax, while others insist that it keeps them warm and keeps their weight in check.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Although smoking may seem to give pleasure, there are numerous disadvantages that outweigh the positive effects.

The habit of smoking cigarettes, marijuana or cigars, is one which has developed in many people. Perceptions about smoking are diverse; some people say it helps them relax, while others insist that it keeps them warm and keeps their weight in check.

There are different opinions about the effects smoking. On my quest to find out what people have to say about these effects I decided to seek out a few voices.

One individual stated, "I know people who smoke everyday and live up to 90 years old, but there are people of 30 who don’t smoke but develop heart problems due to generic inheritance.

The way I see it, if it’s your time, it’s your time, whether you smoke or not.” Another person was totally repulsed by the topic of smoking and the first word that came out of his mouth was "yuck!”

A former smoker once told me that smoking helped stimulate his mental activity and elevate his creativity levels creative at work. I found this very interesting because I was reminded how everything has both a positive and negative effect.

Smoking does have positive outcomes, which are short term- they surface as one is smoking and then vanish the moment the chemicals leave the body- giving the smoker an unnatural state of enjoyment and satisfaction then leaving him/her in desperate need of another puff.

Although smoking may seem to give pleasure, there are numerous disadvantages that outweigh the positive effects.

I remember once reading that each cigarette smoked takes away 7 minutes from your life. The negative effects of smoking are detrimental to one’s health.

For example smoking puts a lot of strain on the heart; a smoker’s blood pressure and heart rate are increased ultimately causing the heart to work a lot harder than it should. Other negative effects include damage to the body’s respiratory system, infertility, foul breath, stained teeth and fingers, dry cough, black lips, and a chain of cancers some of which include lung and throat  and stomach cancer.

Marijuana also known as weed is perceived by its users to have no negative side effects and to cure certain diseases. However the findings of one study prove that marijuana smokers are three times more likely to develop cancer of the head or neck than non-smokers.

Tobacco use contributes to vast number diseases that can sometimes lead to death. Many consider the positive effects of smoking do be worth the while. However, it is the negative effects- most of which are long term that are not immediately noticed and can end up eating away from the inside out.
