Vision 2020 coming alive at our finger tips

Editor, I have just got the MTN Hot Spot activated and I am impressed. For the past month or so I had seen MTN advertising the Hot Spot but not really taken notice until I needed to send an urgent email and could not get to Bourbon Café or Blues Café where I usual go for wireless.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Kigali has various hot spots.


I have just got the MTN Hot Spot activated and I am impressed. For the past month or so I had seen MTN advertising the Hot Spot but not really taken notice until I needed to send an urgent email and could not get to Bourbon Café or Blues Café where I usual go for wireless.

My inability to send the mail got me so agitated that I called my housemate who was at work to ask her to send an email on my behalf, which she readily agreed to do but asked me to try the MTN Hot Spot as a last resort.

Lo and behold, the Gacuriro area like many areas across Kigali is Hot Spot active. What a relief, what an exceptional development

That was last week and since then I have had the world at my finger tips and cannot stop expressing my amazement to anyone who cares to listen. The whole process is quite simple to activate.

What does bother me though is that many of the hotels do not seem to know the Hot Spot exists or if they do they are not selling it. World over the most popular coffee shops and hotels market the availability of the hot spot as part of their communication to get people to patronise their outlets.

I encourage the Rwanda hospitality sector to embrace this wonder technology and get us all sitting, consuming and surfing all day at their outlets.

Robert N. Ndizihiwe