Does it matter if a man is circumcised?

I usually wonder why men grow from childhood to adulthood without being circumcised, since it is healthier for them. People circumcise their boys to show that they belong to a particular religion, race or tribe but now circumcision should be mandatory because it’s cleaner and prevents or cures health problems.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

I usually wonder why men grow from childhood to adulthood without being circumcised, since it is healthier for them.

People circumcise their boys to show that they belong to a particular religion, race or tribe but now circumcision should be mandatory because it’s cleaner and prevents or cures health problems.

Besides, the foreskin is a part of the body we don’t really need and it can cause painful problems. So, no foreskin, no problem. It is easy to cut off, and is best done when boys are babies, so they don’t remember it. What you never had you never miss.

If you weren’t circumcised as a baby it’s better to face the knife and get over with it.

Uncircumcised guys have a harder task when washing up; eventually lots of boys ignore properly washing because their foreskin is in the way or because it’s too tight. 

Due to the hard work involved in maintaining cleanliness, some parents get fed up with checking and asking if their boys have properly washed up. Sometimes boys become a bit sneaky and say they have when they haven’t, especially if it hurts them.

The result is having various infections due to dirt hidden under their foreskins.
If you are circumcised you don’t need to think about it because your penis gets washed every time you shower or have a bath.

More so, medically supervised adult male circumcision is a scientifically proven method for reducing a man’s risk of acquiring HIV infection through heterosexual intercourse.

On top of that research findings have proved that circumcision decreases a man’s risk of acquiring HIV infection by more than 50 percent. This discovery is one that, over the next two decades, could save the lives of three million Africans alone.

Since reducing the risk of being infected with HIV/Aids is every person’s dream, I don’t see the reason why every male should not partake of this necessary blessing to mankind.

The health benefits of circumcision are real, and enough to advocate for all boys to be circumcised.
