C’wealth official commends Local Government

KIGALI - The Secretary General of Commonwealth Local Government Forum (CLGF), Carl Wright, commended the local government of Rwanda for its effort to promote democratic values and good governance, a prerequisite for all member countries of the commonwealth.

Monday, May 17, 2010
The Minister of Local government James Musoni (L) with Carl Wright Secretary-General of the Commonwealth Local Government Forum (Photo; F. Goodman)

KIGALI - The Secretary General of Commonwealth Local Government Forum (CLGF), Carl Wright, commended the local government of Rwanda for its effort to promote democratic values and good governance, a prerequisite for all member countries of the commonwealth.

In a meeting with James Musoni, the minister of Local government,  Wright said that Rwanda made a decision to join the commonwealth and will benefit from the international network of CLGF members who promote local government and democracy throughout the commonwealth.

"CLGF has more than 150 members across the commonwealth who comprise of associations, individual local authorities and ministries responsible for local government,” Wright said. "Rwanda can form links with other countries and access CLGF funds for projects that promote good governance.”

Minister Musoni said that becoming a CLGF member was significant to Rwanda’s efforts aimed at capacity building, decentralization and good governance.

"Rwanda is going to share its experience and learn from other member countries’ experience on how to promote the good governance virtues,” Musoni said. "CLGF’s effort to support our local government is indeed welcome.”

CLGF is a local government arm of the commonwealth which was founded in 1995 to promote democratic values and good governance amongst its member countries.
