Relationships: Blame it all on Facebook!

Who could ever think that Facebook would become so influential in relationships! Little did many know that Facebook would help them meet their dream lovers; worse is that it would lead to a break up with the love of their life!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Who could ever think that Facebook would become so influential in relationships! Little did many know that Facebook would help them meet their dream lovers; worse is that it would lead to a break up with the love of their life!

Facebook is credited for match making and marriage. Meanwhile, there is a dark side to Facebook. Many torn apart couples are crying a river, thanks to the social network.

I always thought my boyfriend was a paranoid fellow until I read this, "According to a recent study conducted in the UK a few weeks ago, social networks have become one of the main causes of divorce. Specifically, one out of five people who decided to put an end to their marriage in 2009 cited Facebook as the cause.”

The truth of the study is that many people out there are suffering the consequences of being logged on to Facebook 25-7.

"I wouldn’t stand seeing my girlfriend flirting with guys online. I don’t care if she knew them or not,” said Abel Nsengiyumva, a 27-year-old who recently broke up with his girlfriend.

Many men believe that once they choose to settle down, they hate the idea that there is a possibility of any male hitting on their woman. With Facebook, hitting on each other is the order of the day.

And when it comes to the relationship status page, even people who have only gone on a date three times will want their intended spouse to post, ‘In a Relationship.’

"He was never sure of his feelings for me. Why on earth wouldn’t he change his status from being single,” says Anuarita Ikirezi, 22, who has just broken up.

It’s natural for true love to be proclaimed and not hidden, so when people don’t show on their Facebook status that they have someone in their life, it becomes a problem.

After experiencing a break up, the first person to change their status to single hurts their ex. Couples also tend to hurt their ex-lovers through their attention seeking Facebook status updates.

"Had a fabulous weekend with an admirer. I don’t miss him; I miss who I thought he was. Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.” This is usually followed by a string of comments. Whenever you come across such a Facebook status, know its set to get someone jealous.

And then comes the picture battle!
"Sweetie, you upload all those pictures so that all your admirers can get to comment. You really love attention,” my boyfriend recently told me.

He definitely couldn’t comment on any of my profile pictures, "you are so hot, you can make a man speak Spanish.”

As for the gifts and the quiz posted on one’s wall, definitely a fight is inevitable.

"Imagine some dude sending a quiz on whether your girl is sexy, a virgin, or whether they can hangout!” said Didier Ndicunguye, a journalist, with Rusizi Radio Station.

Facebook is host to millions of people some of who seek friendships forcefully and unknowingly leave every lover’s heart aching. Sure, a ‘can we chat post’ or even worse a hot comment on a Facebook friend’s photo, from your lover can give you a million reasons to dump them.

And when my boyfriend warns that Facebook will tear us apart, I now understand what he means.