Ho! Ho! Don’t over eat…

I know mothers have prepared for us our favourite dish. Please I beg… do not over eat, we still have Boxing Day to enjoy.

Monday, December 24, 2007

I know mothers have prepared for us our favourite dish. Please I beg… do not over eat, we still have Boxing Day to enjoy.

On my side, I have promised my self not to over eat. I know the results of over eating different foods at once. I remember on time I was invited by my friends on a birthday party were I ate to the maximum.

If I may recall very well, I ate every thing which excited my eyes. I did not ask if some things were good for me as a child or not, I just pilled up every thing I came across on my plate.

One thing I will never forget and which I don’t like to happen you in these festive, is the way I felt after reaching home.

Because of over eating different foods at the same time, it caused me a lot of pain in my stomach. This pain I felt I will never forget, it was such a serious event I will never forget.

Now that we are in festive seasons do not be over excited and over eat. Watch out what to eat, always choose your favourite dish only.

Do not make a mistake of eating things you really do not understand if invited. Ask the meal you do not understand to avoid stomach ache and other diseases which may come as a result of over eating.

Wish you a Merry X-mas of great joy, happiness and fun together with your parents, relatives and friends.            
